Kremlin in Russia - Traveling to Famous Places

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Kremlin in Russia


                                                 Kremlin Wall

The Grand Kremlin Palace is part of the Kremlin complex and is located next to the Red Square and St Basil’s Cathedral in Russia’s capital city Moscow.

The Kremlin is a fortress with enclosing walls and is built along the Moskva River. The name ‘Kremlin’ means ‘fortress within a city’. The more than 500-year-old Kremlin includes the wall with its 20 towers as well as four churches and five palaces within the walls.

The Kremlin was once the residence of the Tzars. Today, it is where the Russian president resides. The Cathedral of Vasily the Blessed, usually refered to as Saint Basil’s Cathedral, is easily recognised due to its nine brightly coloured onion domes. 

Red Square with St Basil's Cathedral in the background

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